Mermaid Krispies

Mermaid Tail Rice Krispy Treats

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You will need:

Mermaid Tail cookie cutter
Parchment Paper
6 cups of Rice Krispies!
10 oz package of  Marshmallows
3 tablespoons of Butter
New Unicorn Morsels!

6 cups of Rice Krispies!

1 10 oz package of  Marshmallows

3 tablespoons of Butter

New  Unicorn Morsels!(not even half a package)


Butter the bottom of a cake tin to spread the treat mixture in, prior to using the cookie cutter.  Also, line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
In a microwave-safe bowl heat butter and marshmallows on high for 3 minutes, stirring after 2 minutes.
Stir in the Rice Krispies, allow to cool slightly and then add the morsels. Don’t add them too soon unless you want them to melt.  Spoon the mixture into the cake tin and pat down with a spoon similar to making regular treats.
Press the mixture into the cookie cutter shape packing it in pretty tightly.  Take the treat out of the cookie cutter and put it on the cookie sheet that is lined with parchment paper.
Allow to cool on a sheet of parchment paper and store in an air tight container.  We made our Mermaid Krispies Treats two days before our Mermaid party and they were perfect. My little Mermaid loved them.  I hope yours will too.

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