Gone Fishing

Fish Coffee Cup Cozy
Is it time to go Fishing?  Grab a cup of coffee to take with you on your fishing trip.  
You can either make a fish that is already on the line to your fishing pole or a fish with some bubbles.  

If you need a display insert for your  Fishing Coffee Cup Cozy , check these out that I created.  There are several options for display inserts in my Etsy store.  If you need some as Thank you gift tags or other options.

If you prefer the words Cup Sleeve or Cup Cozy.

This post contains affiliate links for which I may make a small commission with no extra cost to you should you decide to purchase.  This only keeps the blog going and I'm able to give some recommendations.  Thanks for your support. Full disclosure and privacy policy here.


7 stitches = 2 inches

5 rows = 2 inches

Finished size 4 by 5 inches 


worsted weight yarn 

(look for the 4 on the label)

Size 5.00 mm crochet hook / H

Hook conversion chart

Size 4.00 mm crochet hook / G

Size 3.50 mm crochet hook /E


Yarn needle 


SC = single crochet; insert your hook into the stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop, yarn over and pull through both loops.

HDC = half double crochet; yarn over and insert your hook into the stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop, (you have 3 loops on your hook- like a double crochet) yarn over and pull through all 3 at once.

SS = slip stitch; insert your hook into the stitch, yarn over and pull through the stitch and the loop all at once.

DC = Double Crochet: yarn over and insert your hook into the stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop, yarn over and pull through the first 2 loops,  yarn over and  pull through the last 2 loops 

TR= Triple Crochet:  Yarn over twice and insert your hook into the stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop, yarn over and pull through the first 2 loops, yarn over and pull through the next 2 loops, yarn over and pull through the last 2 loops

Main cup sleeve

With 5.00mm hook

Chain 27

Join to the start (make sure it isn’t twisted)

Round 1: Sc around (26) ss into the beginning

Round 2: HDC around (26)

Round 3: HDC around (26)

Round 4: HDC around (26)

Round 5: HDC around (26)

Round 6: HDC around (26)

Round 7: HDC around (26)

Round 8: HDC around (26)

Round 9: HDC around (26)

Round 10: HDC around (26)

Round 11: HDC around (26)

Round 12: HDC around (26)

Tie off and weave in the ends.  


crochet hook size 4.00


Round 1: sc x 6 inside the mc

Round 2: sc x 2 in each stitch around

Round 3: sc, sc x 2, repeat around 

Round 4: chain 3, dc tr tr ch 4 sc (all in first stitch). sc ch 4 tr tr dc ch 3 ss (in the second stitch) sc in the next 8 stitches ch 2 ss, ss ch 2 sc (in same stitch) sc in the last 7, ss into the last stitch

leave a long tail

make an eye with black yarn 

Fishing Pole

with brown yarn 

size 4.00 mm crochet hook

chain 15

Fishing line 

with white yarn

size 3.5 mm crochet hook

chain 12

Place the fish and the fishing line and fishing pole on your coffee cup cozy.  Make your fishing pole straight but at an angle.  Sew it on with the tail.  Make your fishing line a little curvy.  Sew it on with the tail. 

Sew the fish onto the cup cozy.

Bubbles x 2
hdc x 6 in the mc

one small bubble
sc x 6 

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Or check my ravelry store
There are patterns and printables in my Etsy store

This post contains affiliate links for which I may make a small commission with no extra cost to you should you decide to purchase.  This only keeps the blog going and I'm able to give some recommendations.  Thanks for your support. Full disclosure and privacy policy here.



Check out more free patterns on allfreecrochet.com

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